Are you flying out of Alderney Airport? We understand the importance of accurate and timely information for a smooth travel experience. That’s why our updated Alderney airport departures timetable reflects this commitment by providing real-time today 12th January 2025 all departing flights data.
You can now quickly find incoming flights information with our Alderney arriving flights timetable.
ACI airport Departures Table Explanation
The above Alderney Airport Departures table helps you track all the ACI airport departures flights. Here’s what the information means:
- Time: When the plane takes off (shown in 24-hour format).
- Date: The day the plane leaves.
- Airport: Where the plane starts its journey.
- Flight Number: The plane’s unique ID, like a name tag.
- Airline: Who runs the plane.
- Status: Is the plane on time, delayed, canceled, or already gone.